'Tis the season for wildflowers everywhere, and the Desert Southwest is no exception! When one thinks of a desert, the first thing that comes to mind is a vast expanse of land - hot, harsh and devoid of life. Nothing could be further from the thruth in the deserts of the American Southwest. Myriad varieties of cacti show off their colorful blooms ranging from soft yellow to brilliant fuschia. Giant Saguaros sport clusters of delicate white flowers at the tips of their arms every May and June. In addition to cactus, during years of exceptionally wet winters, spring will drape the desert floor in vast carpets of vividly colored wildflowers, including mexican gold poppy, lupine, sand verbena, owl clover and more. Blooming season can range from February to June depending on location and elevation. Get out and explore the desert in springtime. There is nothing quite like seeing and photographing a vast expanse of "barren" land while it is alive with color, form and beauty!